Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1
– Dr. Richard Evans
Associate Professor, Brunel University London, UK
– Mr. Andy Chen
President, IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society
– Mr. Chaesub Lee
Director of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
Title: Planet Reset Post 2020–what will the world be like? The role of Innovation & Leadership Trends and “AI for Good” Globally – accelerating the world
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1
Speaker Bio:
Stephen Ibaraki, Chairman and Founding Managing General Partner REDDS Capital, Founder ITU ACM XPRIZE AI for Good Global Summit, Founding Chairman Technology Advisory Council FinTech Ideas Festival. Globally unique with Chairman, Founder, Board roles in: Business/finance, successful Entrepreneurship, no.1 global Science orgs, UN innovation progs, top Industry-orgs/think tanks, no.1 Summits (acronym BE-SUNIS). 300+ global engagements impacting $100+ Trillion in sustainable investments. Stephen Ibaraki’s philanthropic focus is on donating time/resources for advancing research, innovation, start-ups, science, entrepreneurship, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ITU World Summit on the Information Society Action Lines. With over 200 senior executive roles, global awards and recognitions, Stephen Ibaraki is a multiple award winning educator, researcher, speaker, writer, serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, investor, and executive board chairman since the 1970s’ and first working with technology since 1965. Stephen Ibaraki is awarded for outstanding lifetime achievements as an ICT nominated Fellow, Distinguished Fellow, Global Fellow, Global Hall of Fame, IT Leadership Lifetime Achievement Award, Advanced Technology Lifetime Achievement Award, Awards for Professionalism Career Achievement Award, IT Hero Award, Gary Hadford Award, Writing and Teaching awards, 17 Microsoft awards (Global Gold Awards, Most Valuable Professional 2006-present), …
CIPS Fellows Profile: http://www.cips.ca/stephen-ibaraki
Twitter handle: Sibaraki
IT World Canada (IDG):
Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/people/stephenibaraki/#5af592cb71ae
Specialties: Executive Leadership, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Business Development, Strategic Relations, Due Diligence, Investments, Speaking, Writing
Session 1: Responsible and Ethical Approaches to AI Virtual Room 1 | Session 2: Managing and Implementing AI Projects Virtual Room 2 | Session 3: Technology Advancements in AI Virtual Room 3 |
Title: On the use of AI in Commercial Property
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1
Abstract :
– Comments on Artificial Intelligence: goals, expectations, reality.
– Deep Learning and Machine Learning: overview of techniques.
– Applications in Commercial Property modelling.
– Understanding the models. Can they be trusted? How?
– Other AI examples (& how to gain confidence, with caveats).
Time: 11:40-13:10 (EDT)
Session Chair: Tariq Samad
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1
Paper# | Title |
1570637288 | Misinformation in Crises: A Conceptual Framework for Examining Human-Machine Interactions |
1570631580 | Seeking Nonhuman Advice: Ancient and Modern |
1570637157 | eVision: Influenza Forecasting Using CDC, WHO, and Google Trends Data |
1570636174 | Analysis of Soft Law Mechanisms for the Governance of AI |
1570657630 | A Novel Application for the Efficient and Accessible Diagnosis of ADHD Using Machine Learning |
Time: 11:40-13:10 (EDT)
Session Chair: Gustavo G
Room: Virtual Room 2
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1_session2
Paper# | Title |
1570635854 | Theory of Machine Learning Based in Quantum Mechanics |
1570631625 | A Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications to Achieve Water-related SDGs |
1570635856 | A Full Surveillance Internet of Bio-Nano-Things Based on Feynman-Integral and Machine-Learning |
1570635861 | The Kullback-Leibler Divergence and QBER in Quantum Encryption Using the BB84 Protocol |
1570656909 | Using Artificial Intelligence to Guide SME Social Media Marketing Strategy |
Session Chair: Dr. Eduardo Ahumada Tello
Time: 11:40-13:10 (EDT)
Room: Virtual Room 3
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day1_session_3
Paper# | Title |
1570635863 | Probabilistic Interpretation of Cognitive Radio in Entropy Nonlinear Networks with Quantum Mechanics |
1570649819 | SSM-Net for Plants Disease Identification in Low Data Regime |
1570654317 | Optimizing Networked Rural Electrification Design Using Adaptive Multiplier-Accelerated a* Algorithm |
1570656233 | Edge-Cloud Collaboration Architecture for AI Transformation of SME Manufacturing Enterprises |
1570656888 | Transforming Digital Employee Experience with Artificial Intelligence |
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2
Manufacturing is fast moving towards smart factories adopting Industry 4 technologies.
AI/automation is one of the 4 grand challenges stated in the UK Industrial Strategy White Paper
(2017). It was reported that AI and automation could increase industrial efficiency by up to 30% and
mitigate disruptions (‘The Future of Manufacturing’, The Telegraph, 2018). Robots, simulation and
digital twins could keep production operating and remotely controlled when employees are ill or not
able to be on-site during disasters like Covid-19. In this presentation, Prof Gao will present data to
show the trends, opportunities and challenges of smart factories, focusing on the application of AI,
robotic automation and information/knowledge management in high value manufacturing industry.
He will also introduce some research and innovation projects carried out by his Group with industry.
Prof Gao will discuss with delegates the future implementations of Industry 4 technologies, through
the introduction of a proposed large-scale collaborative project ‘Smart-Factory’, which focuses on
the manufacturing of low volume, high value and/or specialised products. Manufacturing of these
high-end products still very much relies on manual operations which are the main causes of high
cost, low productivity and obstacles to digitisation. The overall objective of the Smart-Factory
project is to develop, implement and test advanced digital, robot, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI
technologies to automate current manual processes, in order to increase efficiency, productivity,
high value knowledge-intensive jobs, improve competitiveness, safe operations and resilience in
times of disruptions. Comments and recommendations from the delegates will be discussed for
future research, development and industrial applications.
Speaker Bio:
James Gao holds the Medway Chair of Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Greenwich
(UK). He is currently the director of research (School of Engineering) and leads the Mechanical,
Manufacturing and Management research group. Prior to his current position, he was a
lecturer/senior lecturer at Cranfield University (1993-2006), and a research fellow at Loughborough
University (1989-1993). He obtained BSc in mechanical engineering from Dalian Institute of
Technology in 1984, MSc and PhD from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST) in 1987 and 1989 respectively. He published over 250 papers in international
journals and conferences, and directed a large number of research and innovation projects in
automation, AI and robots in smart manufacturing, information and knowledge management, digital
manufacturing and product life-cycle management. Prof Gao chaired/co-chaired several international
conferences and is an associate editor/member of the editorial boards of several international
Session 4: AI for sustainable development Virtual Room 1 | Session 5: Managing and Implementing AI Projects Virtual Room 2 | Session 6: Ethically-driven robotics and automation Virtual Room 3 |
Dr. Marina Dabić
Professor, Nottingham Trent University, UKEvent link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2
Speaker Bio:
Marina Dabić is Full Professor at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Croatia, and Nottingham Business School, NTU, U.K. In her career, she has achieved success and acclaim in a range of different projects, such as HORIZON 2020, ERASMUS +, etc., and was a grant holder for EC TEMPUS FoSentHE project. She prepared background report for OECD/EC HEinnovate for Croatia. Professor Dabic is member of the Board of Governors for IEEE-TEM. She is the author or co-editor of seven books, and has authored or co-authored over 200 journal manuscripts published in IEEE-TEM; TFSC, JIBS, JBR, JWB, IMR, IBR, among others. Prof Dabić attended more than 300 conferences and be in the program comity for more than fifty. She is an Associate Editor of the Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and Technology in Society. She is Department Editor for IEEE- Transactions on Engineering Management.
Session Chair: Dr. Marina Dabic
Time: 10:00-11:30 (BST)
Room: Virtual Room 1Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2
Paper# | Title |
1570634682 | Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Bibliometric and Content Analysis |
1570637201 | A Conceptual Framework for AI System Development and Sustainable Social Equality |
1570632314 | Digital Crop Health Monitoring by Analyzing Social Media Streams |
1570637298 | IMPACT: A Strategic Partnership for Sustainable Development in Marine Systems and Robotics |
Session Chair: Robert Bierwolf
Time: 10:00-11:30 (BST)
Room: Virtual Room 2
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2_session_5
Paper# | Title |
1570637277 | Reducing Modern Slavery Using AI and Blockchain |
1570633081 | Innovative Multi-Step Anomaly Detection Algorithm with Real-World Implementation |
1570631619 | Artificial Intelligence Driven Crop Protection Optimization for Sustainable Agriculture |
1570637225 | Proposal for a Chatbot Prototype in the Plant Health Department of Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture |
Session Chair: Dr Abhishek Appaji
Time: 10:00-11:30 (BST)
Room: Virtual Room 3
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day2_session_6
Paper# | Title |
1570632503 | AI and Robotics-Based Cognitive Training for Elderly: A Systematic Review |
1570632110 | Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the World Development Indicators |
1570630800 | The Strategic Approach for Successful Realistic Improvements in Practical Vehicle Routing Algorithms |
1570635863 | Probabilistic Interpretation of Cognitive Radio in Entropy Nonlinear Networks with Quantum Mechanics |
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3
– Dr Sudeendra Koushik
Member, Automotive & Mobility Innovations, Innovation
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3
Mr. Neil Sahota
Chief Innovation Officer, University of California, USA
Session 7: Technology Advancements in AI Virtual Room 1 | Session 8: AI for Sustainable Development Virtual Room 2 | Session 9: Social Inclusion and AI Virtual Room 3 |
Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3
Session Chair: Prof. Toshie Takahashi
Time: 15:00-16:30 (IST)
Room: Virtual Room 1Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3
Paper# | Title |
1570656747 | A Tiny CNN Architecture for Identifying Bat Species from Echolocation Calls |
1570637223 | EdgeAI: Diabetic Retinopathy Detection in Intel Architecture |
1570632532 | Maximising Value of Frugal Soil Moisture Sensors for Precision Agriculture Applications |
1570631340 | Combating Deepfakes: Multi-LSTM and Blockchain as Proof of Authenticity for Digital Media |
1570657630 | A Novel Application for the Efficient and Accessible Diagnosis of ADHD Using Machine Learning |
Session Chair: Dr. Shrikanth Tangade
Time: 15:00-16:30 (IST)
Room: Virtual Room 2Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3_session_8
Paper# | Title |
1570632427 | AI for Monitoring the SDGs and Supporting and Promoting Action and Policy Development |
1570632497 | Effective, Explainable and Ethical: Artificial Intelligence for Law Enforcement and Community |
1570655221 | Safety An Ecosystem Approach to Ethical AI and Data Use: Experimental Reflections |
1570656329 | Mapping New Informal Settlements Using Machine Learning and Time Series Satellite Images |
Session Chair: Dr KAR Rao
Time: 15:00-16:30 (IST)
Room: Virtual Room 3Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3_session_9
Paper# | Title |
1570656361 | AI-Vision Towards an Improved Social Inclusion |
1570656484 | Building Ethical AI from News Articles |
1570656713 | DASSL: Dynamic, AI-Assisted, Scalable System for Labelling Used Bottle Images |
1570656725 | Towards an Audio-Based CNN for Classroom Observation on a Smartwatch |
1570658169 | Automatic Identification of Skin Lesions Using Deep Learning Techniques |