Please prepare your manuscript using the format specified in the IEEE manuscript templates. To download the relevant template, please follow the links below.
Microsoft Word
LaTeX Template Instructions (PDF)
Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format to the EDAS submission portal. If you do not have a PDF converter, please use
Note that papers submitted to EDAS will be single-blind peer reviewed as they are received. Every author must create an EDAS account.
Authors will be notified if their paper is accepted by
Friday 7th August 2020.
All authors are advised to familiarise themselves with IEEE guidelines before submitting their manuscript, including the IEEE Policy on Plagiarism. The Program Committee will verify the originality of submitted manuscripts using CrossCheck, which is an anti-plagiarism software, comparing submitted papers with previously published work worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEE’s publication principles will be immediately rejected.
Please note: At least one author of each paper must register for the conference. Papers that are not presented will not be included in the conference program and proceedings.
Since the conference is now virtual, please review link below for Webex setup and FAQ