Session 9: Social Inclusion and AI

Session Chair:  Dr KAR RaoTime: 15:00-16:30 (IST)Room: Virtual Room 3 Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3_session_9 Paper# Title 1570656361 AI-Vision Towards an Improved Social Inclusion 1570656484 Building Ethical AI from News Articles 1570656713 DASSL: Dynamic, AI-Assisted, Scalable System for Labelling Used Bottle Images  1570656725 Towards an Audio-Based CNN for Classroom Observation on a Smartwatch 1570658169 Automatic Identification of …

Session 8 : AI for Sustainable Development

Session Chair:  Dr. Shrikanth TangadeTime: 15:00-16:30 (IST)Room: Virtual Room 2 Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3_session_8 Paper# Title 1570632427 AI for Monitoring the SDGs and Supporting and Promoting Action and Policy Development 1570632497 Effective, Explainable and Ethical: Artificial Intelligence for Law Enforcement and Community  1570655221 Safety An Ecosystem Approach to Ethical AI and Data Use: Experimental Reflections 1570656329 …

Session 7: Technology Advancements in AI

Session Chair:  Prof. Toshie TakahashiTime: 15:00-16:30 (IST)Room: Virtual Room 1 Event link: bit.ly/ai4g_day3 Paper# Title 1570656747 A Tiny CNN Architecture for Identifying Bat Species from Echolocation Calls 1570637223 EdgeAI: Diabetic Retinopathy Detection in Intel Architecture 1570632532 Maximising Value of Frugal Soil Moisture Sensors for Precision Agriculture Applications  1570631340 Combating Deepfakes: Multi-LSTM and Blockchain as Proof …